

Override default templates

Related to issue #32

You can override the default templates with your own templates by providing an actual replacement path in the html_template_path (HTML) and js_template_path (JS) directives. Overridden templates completely replace the default templates. You must therefore copy the default templates as a starting point to keep this plugin working.

    - encryptcontent:
        html_template_path: "/root/real/path/mkdocs_poc/my_html_template.html"
        js_template_path: "/root/real/path/mkdocs_poc/my_js_template.js"
        form_class: 'md-content__inner md-typeset'
        input_class: 'md-input'
        button_class: 'md-button md-button--primary'

Use form_class, input_class and button_class to optionally set a CSS class for the password input field and the button.

When overriding the default templates, you can add and use your own Jinja variables and enrich your template, by defining html_extra_vars and js_extra_vars directives in key/value format. Added values can be used in your Jinja templates via the variable extra.

    - encryptcontent:
            my_extra: "extra value"
            <key>: <value>
            my_extra: "extra value"
            <key>: <value>

For example, you can modify your HTML template, to add a new title with your own text variable.

[ ... ] 
<h2>{{ extra.my_extra }}</h2>
[ ... ]

NOTE Issues related to template override will not be addressed.

Add button

Add password_button: True in plugin configuration variable, to add a button to the right of the password field.

When enabled, it allows to decrypt the content just like the classic keypress ENTER.

Optionally, you can add password_button_text: 'custom_text_button' to customize the button text.

    - encryptcontent:
        password_button: True
        password_button_text: 'custom_text_button'

Tag encrypted page

Enable by default

Related to issue #7

This feature adds an additional attribute encrypted with value True to the mkdocs type mkdocs.nav.page object.

You can add tag_encrypted_page: False in plugin configuration, to disable tagging of encrypted pages.

When enabled, it is possible to use the encrypted attribute in the jinja template of your theme, as a condition to perform custom modification.

{%- for nav_item in nav %}
    {% if nav_item.encrypted %}
        <!-- Do something --> 
    {% endif %}
{%- endfor %}

For example, you can use conditional check to add a custom class:

<a {% if nav_item.encrypted %}class="mkdocs-encrypted-class"{% endif %}href="{{ nav_item.url|url }}">{{ nav_item.title }}</a>

Remember password

Related to issue #6

By default the plugin will save the decrypted AES keys to session storage of the browser (can be disabled by setting remember_keys: False). This is enabled for convenience, so you are able to browse between multiple encrypted pages without having to re-enter the password.

Additionally it is possible to save the entered user/password in session storage (setting remember_password: True). Use this for additional convenience during mkdocs serve, because the AES key are regenerated every time MkDocs starts (rendering the old ones invalid and requiring to re-enter a valid credential again).

To avoid problems when multiple sites are hosted within the same domain, it is possible to customize the name of the keys saved to storage with remember_prefix.

This feature is not really secure ! decryption keys are store in clear text inside session storage.

Instead of using these features, I recommend to use a password manager with its browser plugin. For example KeepassXC allows you to detect the password field mkdocs-content-password and fill it automatically in a much more secure way.

It is also possible to save the used credentials permanently to local storage (setting session_storage: False), but this should only be done for testing purposes. The local storage of a browser is most likely readable for every other process that can access the file system.

The session storage however should only be located in memory and be forgotten after the browser tab is closed.

    - encryptcontent:
        remember_keys : True
        remember_password: False
        remember_prefix: secretsite_

It is possible to share valid credentials by adding them to the hash part of the URL. The plugin can also generate share links for certain pages if the meta tag sharelink: true is defined in markdown. It will use the first credential for the pages level or the pages password. The credentials for auto-generated links are base64url encoded.

    - encryptcontent:
        sharelinks: True
        sharelinks_output: 'sharelinks.txt' # generated share links are saved here

One condition applies: The user name must not contain the ":" character (Passwords may use that character).

However if sharelinks: True is enabled in the plugin configuration you can generate share links yourself:
https://your-domain.com/your-site/protected-page/#!username:password for user/password or
https://your-domain.com/your-site/protected-page/#!password for only password.

Then another condition applies: If non-aphanumeric characters are used in user/password, they need to be URLencoded (f.ex. %20 = space character). Some browsers may do that automatically (Do a copy/paste from the browsers address bar then).

Since version 3.0.3 it is possible to leave out one part of the password when share links are generated via meta tag. To do this use the ":" character in a password to divide the part that is incorporated to the share link and the part that remains secret, like "PartThatIsEncodedToTheShareLink:PartThatRemainsSecret". The feature is enabled by setting the option sharelinks_incomplete: true. If the password that is read from the share link ends with the ":" character, then an additional password input field is displayed for entering the secret part.

If the feature is used, then passwords must not end with the ":" character.

Storage of additional variables in keystore

Since version 3.0.3 it is possible to set arbitrary session store variables after decryption. These can be used by javascript functions f. ex. to read API tokens or show the user name or set visibility of menu entries. The variables are encrypted together with the content keys in the keystore.

    - encryptcontent:
        additional_storage_file: 'additional_storage.yaml'

The file may contain a userpass: dictionary, wich refers to user names and/or a password: dictionary, that refers to password-only credentials. It may contain a arbitrary number of key/value pairs, but keep in mind to check if the key name is reasonable and not already used by other parts of the page (as it will be overwritten after decryption).

    username: Alice McAliceface
    userid: 1
    token: uCZDqa2vzuSPFX-o9TebinUAnD9sePJqpPYhavMkCH7gGo7lhjWRS17-HgBys9UKnFR37zXO4Q_f1_ywZJqBlA==

    username: Head McPassword