Javascript extensions
Javascript extensions

Javascript extensions

Reload user-defined scripts

Related to issue #14

You can set reload_scripts: in your mkdocs.yml with list of script sources or script ids, to reload and execute some js lib after decryption process.

    - encryptcontent:
            - 'js/example.js'
            - '#autoexec'

It is also possible to reload a script id like <script id="autoexec">console.log('test');</script> that was encrypted within the page (related to issue #30).

HighlightJS support

Enable by default

If HighlightJS module is detected in your theme to improve code color rendering, reload renderer after decryption process. If HighlightJS module is not correctly detected, you can force the detection by adding hljs: True on the plugin configuration or set hljs: False to disable this feature.

When enabled the following part of the template is added to force reloading decrypted content.

{% if hljs %}
document.getElementById("mkdocs-decrypted-content").querySelectorAll('pre code').forEach((block) => {
{% endif %}

Arithmatex support

Enable by default

Related to issue #12

If Arithmatex markdown extension is detected in your markdown extensions to improve math equations rendering, reload renderer after decryption process. If the Arithmatex markdown extension is not correctly detected, you can force the detection by adding arithmatex: True on the plugin configuration or set arithmatex: False to disable this feature.

When enabled, the following part of the template is added to force math equations rendering on decrypted content.

{% if arithmatex %}
{% endif %}

NOTE It has been tested in Arithmatex generic mode only.

Mermaid.js support


Enable by default

Related to issue #22.

If mermaid2 plugin is detected in your configuration to generate graph from text, reload renderer after decryption process. If the Mermaid2 plugin is not correctly detected, you can force the detection by adding mermaid2: True on the plugin configuration or set mermaid2: False to disable this feature.

When enabled, the following part of the template is added to force graph rendering on decrypted content.

{% if mermaid2 %}
{% endif %}

NOTE it currently only works with mermaid version < 10. Also encryptcontent needs to be injected, because the mermaid2 plugin otherwise won't detect the page content correctly.

activate the plugin like this:

    - mermaid2:
        version: 9.4.3

    - pymdownx.blocks.html

Example usage:

password: 1234
inject_id: inject

/// html | div#inject

graph LR
    hello --> world
    world --> again
    again --> hello



Add support for mermaid graphs by adding the pymdownx.superfences to markdown_extensions as described here.

Copy the "material-encryptcontent.mjs" file from here to "/assets/javascripts/" and include it to "mkdocs.yml" like this:

  - assets/javascripts/material-encryptcontent.mjs

The script is called after successful decryption and renders the mermaid graphs in a similar way as the theme would normally do.


Related to issue #62.

The plugin would add click events to all image of a page, but it can't do that if the page was encrypted. That's why we need to add it to reload_scripts section to call it after successful decryption.

  - glightbox:
      zoomable: true
      draggable: true
        - skip-lightbox
  - encryptcontent:
      - '#init-glightbox'