

Add a tag like password: secret password to your pages Meta-Data to protect them.

Alternatively add a meta tag like level: secret to use one or more secrets defined at the plugin's password_inventory or password_file in your "mkdocs.yml" (see below).

Password inventory

With the password_inventory you can define protection levels (assigned with the meta tag level in markdown files).

    - encryptcontent:
          classified: 'password1'
            - 'password2'
            - 'password3'
            user4: 'password4'
            user5: 'password5'

These levels may be only one password (f.ex. classified), a list of multiple passwords (f.ex. confidential) or multiple username/password pairs (f.ex. secret). It is possible to reuse credentials at different levels.

Note that a "list of multiple passwords" comes with a downside: All entries may be tested because unlike "user/password pairs" there is no hint to determine the distinct entry to try (At least I found no hint that wouldn't make it easier for a brute force attacker). This means, that a high kdf_pow could cause long waiting time even if the right password was entered.

The plugin will generate one secret key for each level, which is then used to encrypt the assigned sites.

To indicate that your Markdown file should be encrypted for level "secret", add the following metadata at the beginning of the file:

level: secret
This is the first paragraph of the document.

Password inventory in external file

You can define password levels in an external yaml file and link it with password_file. The intention is to separate sensitive information from configuration options.

    - encryptcontent:
        password_file: 'passwords.yml'


classified: 'password1'
    - 'password2'
    - 'password3'
    user4: 'password4'
    user5: 'password5'

Global password protection

Add global_password: your_password in plugin configuration variable, to protect all pages with this password by default

    - encryptcontent:
        global_password: 'your_password'

If the password meta tag is defined in a markdown file, it will ALWAYS override the global password.

NOTE Keep in mind that if the password: tag exists without value in a page, it will not be protected ! Use this to disable global_password on specific pages.

Global passwords in inventory

You can add the special level _global, which will be applied globally on all sites like this:

    - encryptcontent:
            _global: 'either define one password'
                - 'or define'
                - 'multiple passwords'
                user1: 'or use user'
                user2: 'and password pairs'

NOTE Add the meta tag level: (without a value) to pages which should be excluded from global password level. Also note that it is always possible to set the page to a different level than the global one with the level meta tag.

Secret from environment

It is possible to read values from environment variable (as discribed here). This replaces the deprecated use_secret option from previous versions.

    - encryptcontent:
                user1: !ENV PASSWORD1_FROM_ENV
                user2: !ENV [PASSWORD2_FROM_ENV, 'Password if PASSWORD2_FROM_ENV undefined or empty']

Default vars customization

Optionally you can use some extra variables in plugin configuration to customize default strings.

    - encryptcontent:
        title_prefix: '[LOCK]'
        summary: 'another informational message to encrypted content'
        placeholder: 'another password placeholder'
        decryption_failure_message: 'another informational message when decryption fails'
        encryption_info_message: "another information message when you don't have access !"
        input_class: 'md-search__form md-search__input'
        button_class: 'md-search__icon'

Default prefix title is [Protected].

Default summary message is This content is protected with AES encryption..

Default password palceholder is Provide password and press ENTER.

Default decryption failure message is Invalid password..

Defaut encryption information message is Contact your administrator for access to this page..

NOTE Adding a prefix to the title does not change the default navigation path !


If the plugin is used in conjunction with the static-i18n plugin you can provide translations for the used i18n_page_locale.

    - encryptcontent:
            title_prefix: '[Verschlüsselt] '
            summary: 'Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist mit AES verschlüsselt. '
            placeholder: 'Mit Strg+Enter wird das Passwort global gesetzt'
            password_button_text: 'Entschlüsseln'
            decryption_failure_message: 'Falsches passwort.'
            encryption_info_message: 'Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator um auf diese Seite zuzugreifen.'

Custom per-page strings

You can set the meta tag encryption_summary to customize summary and encryption_info_message on every page.

Obfuscate pages

If you want to make it harder for search engines to scrape you pages content, you can set obfuscate: SomeNotSoSecretPassword meta tag in markdown.

The page then will display summary and encryption_info_message together with a button labeled with password_button_text. In order to view the pages content one hast to press the button first.

If a password or level is set, then the obfuscate feature will be disabled. If you want to use obfuscate in a configuration where global_password or _global level is defined, you'll need to set the password: or rather level: meta tag (with no password/level defined) to undefine the password on this page.

The keys to all obfuscated pages are also saved in every keystore, so they are decrypted if someone entered correct credentials.

Example plugin configuration

    - encryptcontent:
        title_prefix: ''
        summary: ''
        placeholder: 'Password'
        placeholder_user: User
        password_button_text: 'ENTER'
        decryption_failure_message: 'Wrong user name or password.'
        encryption_info_message: 'Legitimation required.'
            title_prefix: ''
            summary: ''
            placeholder: 'Passwort'
            placeholder_user: Benutzer
            password_button_text: 'ENTER'
            decryption_failure_message: 'Falscher Benutzer oder Passwort.'
            encryption_info_message: 'Legitimation erforderlich.'
        html_template_path: "decrypt-form.tpl.html" # override default html template
        password_button: True
        input_class: 'w3-input' # CSS class used for input username and password
        button_class: 'w3-button w3-theme-l1 w3-hover-theme' # CSS class for password_button
        hljs: False
        arithmatex: False
        mermaid2: False
        remember_keys: true # keys from keystore will temporarily saved to sessionStorage
        remember_password: false # the entered credentials are not saved
        remember_prefix: encryptcontent_plugin_ # use different prefixes if other sites are running on the same domain
        encrypted_something: # additionally encrypt some html elements
          #myNav: [div, id]
          myToc: [div, id]
          myTocButton: [div, id]
        search_index: 'dynamically' # dynamically encrypt mkdocs search index
        webcrypto: true # use browsers webcrypto support
        #selfhost: true # use self-hosted crypto-js
        #selfhost_download: true # download crypt-js for self-hosting
        #selfhost_dir: 'theme_override' # where to download crypto-js
        #  - '#theme'
        password_file: 'passwords.yml' # file with password inventory
        #kdf_pow: 4 # default for crypto-js: 4, default for webcrypto: 5
        sign_files: 'encryptcontent-plugin.json' # save ed25519 signatures here
        #hash_filenames: # add hash to file names of assets (to make them impossible to guess
        #  extensions:
        #    - 'png'
        #    - 'jpg'
        #    - 'jpeg'
        #    - 'svg'
        #  except:
        #    - 'logo.svg'